All organization use reports and dashboard for daily stand up meetings, weekly reviews, board meetings, strategic decisions, and the like wherein every department use their individual reporting and dashboarding solutions. Every organizations identifies its KPIs/metrics/chart which are made a part of their dashboarding solution. The result – A bloated reporting system – several hundred reports, several drill throughs, several charts and insights in each reports.
Are these reports actionable? Well, yes but you need to spend time to infer – for each dashboard, each drill through, each hour, each min, each second, etc. Don’t You wish you had a system that is simple yet complete and guiding for actionable insights ? Don’t you wish you had insights in a FLASH!
Well we at geniSIGHTS have developed FLASH a first of a kind Artificial Intelligence powered dashboards with voice support developed specifically to help decision makers. Just like a simple Google interface, FLASH, our AI driven conversational dashboard waits for your command to open up actionable insights from your data. The charts and insights are driven by your simple ask, FLASH’s advanced self-learning AI understands your ask and customizes it specifically for you. A simple system that keeps the entire team productive

. Welcome to the world of conversational insights. Experience FLASH here
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