Tag Archives: bi

Effective Decision Making



The BI Survey research found that 58% of the surveyed companies relied more than half of their decisions on gut feel or experience over data. But two-thirds believe that information will be valued for decision making in the future. Highly data-driven organizations are 3X more likely to report significant improvement in decision-making, according to a survey by PWC.

The HiPPO effect, coined by Avinash Kaushik and reiterated by Bernard Marr in Forbes, is usually the most experienced, most powerful, or highest paid in the room. Once they voice their opinion, others find it disrespectful to voice their own. This may not lead to desired results. Let’s think if the decision would go on a similar path if the time and resources would be different. Given more time, you would probably rely on the opinion of a board of directors or your experienced colleagues. Will you still be completely confident?

   Data however changes this. You have an unbiased opinion based on facts that leads to better results. Data analytics uses information from all sources and simplifies it to visual representations that highlight what you need. You are now capable of viewing all your information in just one screen. But data is useless until interpreted. Data-driven decision making or DDMM lies in interpreting this data for actionable insights. A term fondly called as data storytelling is considered an art. Artificial intelligence-based complex algorithms make sure to see more than what the human eye and mind are capable of. These insights help drive your decisions in directions that lead to success. So you have got your data, got your insights from this data, why then have you not used it to make the decision given to you 10 minutes ago?

The problem with many AI solutions is the inability to get exactly what you want when you want. You have a ton of data and a ton of insights but how does your BI tool know what you need to reach the answer for the question given to you 10 minutes ago. You have knocked on the door of data analytics and are seeking the solution. But can’t you just ask?

FLASH, by geniSIGHTS, gives you the power to simply talk to your BI tool and seek the information you need to come to the decisions that will open the right doors. In turn, FLASH also talks back to you with insights. FLASH is a one of a kind voice-powered dashboard that provides quick insights into your organization’s metrics. It goes beyond the functionality of Business Intelligence and uses conversational AI in the dashboard to respond to queries and generates real-time insights for actionable decision-making.

FLASH is AI-driven, lightweight, and easy to use.  It can easily be integrated with your existing data systems without having any extra software. It is also accessible from any location and insights can be exported and shared with the members of your organization. The visualization can be customizable and easily understood without any expert knowledge of data. FLASH ensures that your entire team is on the same page, making your user experience smooth and without any delay. Unlike other solutions, FLASH learns continuously to understand what you need for your business and becomes your virtual data assistant over a period of time.

FLASH is your AI agent who has all the answers you need to make decisions in a FLASH. We have seen how Amazon’s Alexa has made life easier. Shouldn’t your dashboard be able to do that? Now you can make your decisions within 10 minutes and be sure of it.

FLASH gets you what you need, you simply need to ask it. Check out FLASH at https://flash.genisights.com/

SME Focused Analytics/Reporting Tool

Data! Data! Data! I can’t make bricks without clay!

–  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Data is the building blocks for the new age technology. SMEs (Small/Medium enterprises) often face challenges in adopting data-driven growth because of the following key issues:

  • Difficulties in effecting data analysis & procuring insights when in need.
  • Need to spend Time frequently for analysing & interpreting the insights.
  • Find themselves facing a brick wall without openings in BI/Analytics journey due to cost, efforts involvement.TEXT

SME’s desiring to adopt existing reporting tools in the market often complain they do not obtain ROI. Return on Investment(ROI) explains the degree of profitability and ROI significant for SME’s. If a SME contributes $500 for adopting a reporting tool, the return should be at the multiples of $500.

The cost of preparing existing manual report using spreadsheet applications is neither cheap as it appears. It requires frequent manual interventions, periodic version updates add to the unscheduled cost.


    •  geniMini a cloud-based reporting and data visualization tool for SME’s, is an analytical product of geniSIGHTS, established at IIT Madras ecosystem incubated by NASSCOM.
    • It engages basal engineering where the SME’s can precisely upload the data into cloud. Custom reports are generated with pre-designed dashboard templates as per the business needs.
    •  geniMini associates a cost advantage offer of $150 per month and with a lesser TCO. It enables the organization to lead a successful journey of analytics.

Sounds interesting? Book your convenient slot with the team here

                                                       Visit geniSIGHTS for more information
The report we build, Analyses we perform,
Decisions we make and the best we can drive.